굿모닝 팝스 GMP
1/25There is no such thing as bed publicity~는 없다 , 나쁜 뉴스라도 나쁠건 없다There is no such thing as a free lunch 세상엔 공짜가 없다 Arguing driving me crazy논쟁은 나를 미치게해 A: Do you get along with your siblings? 너의 형제들은 잘 지내니? siblings (형제들)B: Sometimes, they infuriate me. (격노하다)[출처] 굿모닝팝스 2013.1.25 금 There's no such thing as bad publicty.|작성자 근성 1/24 'm gonna make it up to you : 내가 보상해 줄게 (I am going to...)we have ..